Jumat, 31 Mei 2019


Secara umum, conditional sentence dibagi menjadi 3, yaitu tipe 1, 2, dan 3. Jangan khawatir kita akan bahas semuanya!

Berikut Adalah Pola/Rumus Conditional Sentence Tipe 1, 2, Dan 3:
Tipe conditional sentence
Main Clause

Tipe 1
If+present simple
If I study hard,           ... will+infinitive
I will pass the exam.

Tipe 2
If+past simple
If I studied hard,        ... would+infinitive
I would pass the exam.

Tipe 3
If+past perfect
If I had studied hard, ... would+have+past participle
I would have passed the exam.

Posisi if-clause dan main clause tersebut dapat dibalik dan tidak mengubah maknanya, contoh:
“If I study hard, I will pass the exam.”
“I will pass the exam if I study hard.”

Berikut Adalah Penjelasan Lengkap Mengenai Conditional Sentence Tipe 1, 2 Dan 3.

Conditional sentence tipe 1 digunakan untuk merujuk pada hal-hal yang mungkin terjadi di masa depan dimana situasinya real/nyata. Pada tipe ini, jika syarat terpenuhi, maka kemungkinan masih bisa terjadi.
Beberapa contoh conditional sentence tipe 1:
If-clause                                              Main clause
If+present simple                                  ... will+infinitive
If it rains,                                               I will stay at home.
If you invite me,                                   I will come to your party,
If he gives her chocolate,                     she will be happy.
If it doesn't rain,                                   we will go to the library.

1.      Conditional sentence tipe 2 digunakan untuk: pertama, membicarakan hal-hal di masa depan yang mungkin tidak akan terjadi (seperti membayangkan mimpi misalnya).  Contoh:
·         If I got scholarship, I would continue my study in London.
                   (but probably I will not get the scholarship.)
·         Seandainya saya mendapatkan beasiswa, saya akan melanjutkan kuliah di London.
                   (tapi mungkin saya tidak mendapatkan beasiswa itu.)

2.      Kedua, untuk membicarakan hal-hal yang terjadi di masa sekarang, yang mustahil terjadi.
·         If I were you, I would stop smoking.
                   (but I cannot be you.) Mustahil bagi saya untuk menjadi kamu.

Contoh dari lirik lagu:
If I Never See Your Face Again - Maroon 5
·         And if I never see your face again, I don't mind
'Cause we got much further than I thought we'd get tonight
·         Dan seandainya saya tidak melihat wajahmu lagi, saya tidak peduli.
(tapi mungkin saya akan melihat wajahmu lagi, dan saya peduli)

Berikut adalah contoh conditional sentence tipe 2:
If-clause                                                 Main clause
If+past simple                                     ... would+infinitive
If I had time,                                          I would go with you.
If she met her mother,                           She would be happy.
If I were 25,                                           I would get married.
If I were you,                                      I would continue my study.

Conditional sentence tipe 3 digunakan untuk menggambarkan situasi masa lalu yang tidak terjadi dan membayangkan hasil dari situasi tersebut. Tipe ini mengungkapkan kebalikan dari fakta yang dihadapi. Lihat contoh berikut:
·         If I had finished my study, I would have worked at big company.
             (but I didn’t finish my study and I didn’t work at big company.)
·         Jika dulu saya menyelesaikan kuliah saya, saya akan bekerja di perusahaan besar.
             Tapi faktanya saya tidak menyelesaikan kuliah saya, dan saya tidak bekerja di
             perusahaan besar.

Contoh lain dari conditional sentence tipe 3:
If-clause                                                          Main clause
If+past perfect                                               ... would+have+past participle
If I had locked the car,                                              the thief would not have stolen my car.
If I had known about your problem,           I would have offered help.
If my parents had been in Bandung,           I would have visited them everyday.
·         If she hadn't taken the course, she wouldn't have gotten the scholarship.
(but she took the course and she got the scholarship.)
·         Jika dulu dia tidak mengambil kursus, dia tidak akan mendapatkan beasiswa itu. Tapi faktanya dia mengambil kursus itu dan mendapatkan beasiswa.

Perhatikan !!!
Pada conditional sentence tipe 3, had bisa ditempatkan di awal dengan menghilangkan if, atau disebut sebagai bentuk inversi.
·         If I had locked the car, the thief wouldn’t have stolen my car.
«  Had I locked the car, the thief wouldn’t have stolen my car.
Contoh lain:
·         If my parents had been in Bandung, I would have visited them everyday.
«  Had my parents been in Bandung, I would have visited them everyday.

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